RAISE FUNDS - I raise funds to buy and then install Emergency Bleed Control Kits, each currently costing £104, in our local communities.

To raise funds I (I use ‘I’ but am including all Liam’s family and friends), use the power of social media to get the message to as many people as possible who, by their kindness, donate to the Legacy.

You can also donate many items, as you would to any Charity Shop so that it

can be sold at special events.

If you would like to buy a Bleed Kit or help towards its purchase by donating,

please select the Donate button.


Bleed Kit programmes

Knife crime resources

Knife crime campaigns

Find out about the incredible fundraising and awareness work Julie has been doing for the past few years following the death of her grandson Liam who was stabbed and tragically died in 2020.

We know we can’t tackle knife crime alone, so we empower educators with tools, resources and training to ensure knife crime prevention can reach every young person.

Knife crime is our country’s most pressing and serious problem.  We campaign to raise awareness of the issues and put knife crime on the agenda of policy makers.

Tireless work Info & Videos Info & Videos

20 February 2023

The Liam Taylor Legacy has donated a Daniel Baird bleed control bag to the lovely Tina at Milton Keynes College today

We were kindly invited  to go tell your story Liam and spread your name even further to a great audience who made us very welcome.

Essex Police - 28 Feb 23

Thank you to Forest Hall School in Stansted and Julie Taylor from the Liam Taylor Legacy for helping us to educate students in the school yesterday.

Students were shown the knife arch and encouraged to walk through to demonstrate how it works and to get them thinking about the consequences of carrying a knife.

EDUCATE, DEMONSTRATE & RAISE AWARENESS takes the form of reaching out to young boys and sometimes girls, with the help of other organisations, into schools, colleges and anywhere else where I can talk to and explain the reasons what havoc carrying knives and using them can bring to the purpotrator and their victim.

This I try and do as much as possible, as will be shown by the events below.

The purpose of the Legacy is to educate, demonstrate, raise funds for Bleed Kits

and raise awareness of all forms of knife crime.

Our Facebook pages will provide many insights into the various fund raising events we have been and continue to be involved in and the generosity of the donations we have received.

Welcome to The Liam Taylor Legacy website I am Julie Taylor the grandmother of Liam my beautiful 19 year old grandson who we lost to murder by knife crime on 31st January, 2020.

I am very proud of Liam’s Legacy but also totally heartbroken that his legacy exists.  Since his brutal murder I have worked non-stop campaigning against knife crime and violent crime.

I volunteer for both Essex Police and Metropolitan Police and travel long and short distances to tell Liam’s story and the devastation that murder leaves behind. We as the bereaved families do a life sentence, the perpetrator faces a prison sentence.

Please support me on my journey to help keep our youth safe.

Knife Crime Victim Support - by Quinton

IN ESSEX TODAY 30thOct 2021 - for what might possibly be the most challenging/emotional performance I’ve ever had to do. I was asked by a courageous and inspirational Woman called Julie Taylor, if I could write a Poem for her Grandson Liam who was tragically killed in a savage knife attack in January 2020. We spoke on the Phone, so that I could build a picture of the 19 year old, known as “Fish” by loved ones. Together we wanted to capture his personality and memories in a celebration of Liam’s Life. Today I’ll be joining the family including his Mum, Brothers and Sisters at a Candle Lit Vigil in Chelmsford to share it with them. I really do hope I’ve done it justice and it touches their hearts with warmth, sensitivity and compassion. The Tag line for my Charity is “Lift The Fallen, Restore The Broken and encourage the discouraged” and although sadly they’ll never get their Liam back… Thats exactly what I’m hoping to do in some small way.


Email: talktous@theliamtaylorlegacy.org.uk

Website designed and funded by UKWebb.com


Liam Taylor


19-year-old Liam sadly died after being knifed outside a Writtle pub on a Friday night,  on January 31, 2020.

Liam died at the scene, outside the Rose and Crown pub, from his injuries which was a stab wound to the chest.

The Liam Taylor Legacy has been founded in memory of Liam.